Accessibility Events in April
The first Central European Summer Time post of the year. Now with 30% more events!
Online Events
Better Mobility Accelerator Info Session
Thursday, April 4 · 15:30 - 16:30 CEST
Inclusion is multifaceted and the Better Mobility Accelerator understood this. Until April 15th, the call for applicants is open, but before that there’s an online info session to answer all your open questions about it.
The Better Mobility Accelerator is gearing up for its next round and is looking for european startups to make mobility solutions more accessible, affordable, safe and sustainable for everyone! This 6-months program provides direct access to living labs, cities, corporates to test, validate mobility solutions and acceleration for international market entry and expansion.
Apply by April 15 via EIT Urban Mobility
How AI can help disabled people
Wednesday 17th April, 14:00 CEST
With AI still being the craze of the year, I dare bet that this one will garner quite a bit of attention. The premise is true: Technology can already do a multitude of things for people with disabilities, but only if the technology is technology-ing correctly.
Learn & Lunch: Design for Inclusivity
Tuesday 23rd April, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CEST
Come to this Koos Learn & Lunch and understand why inclusive design is crucial, how to navigate its complexity, and how to best apply its principles to your projects. Or forward it to someone who could benefit from learning about all of the above!
What will be covered in this L&L?
Koos’ views and efforts in the area of diversity and inclusion by design
The concept of unconscious biases and how they impact design decisions
The principles and practices of inclusive design by offering practical insights from our experience
Why & How to Communicate Your Accessibility Successes (Doing good things is not enough)
Thursday 25th April, 17:00 CEST
I know, I hate the title too, but we all know it’s unfortunately correct!
This webinar will be talking about why it's critical to share your accessibility successes, with both internal and external audiences. How you can create an accessibility communication strategy and plan and why it's important for gaining continued buy-in from your internal stakeholders and potential customers.
Improving your Digital Accessibility Resources
Thursday 25th April, 12:00 - 13:00 CEST
This webinar we will held by Ella McKelvey and Rachel Parle from Oxford University Museum of Natural History to explore their approach to Accessibility webpages and share some of the small, but impactful, changes they made to improve their visitor offer.
This session will explore how you can develop visitor access resources such as:
visual stories
sensory environment information
access maps
Hybrid Events
IAAP EU Accessibility 2024 Hybrid Event (Paris, France)
10th and 11th April, Paris (France)
With increasing legal requirements in the EU, the need for qualified subject matter experts in accessibility is growing fast. To meet this demand, IAAP certification, education and knowledge sharing across borders contribute to raising the level of expertise to reach excellence. The IAAP member organisation ensures close collaboration among end user organisations, research institutions and the industry, making the world more inclusive.
Both on-site and virtual attendance are free for IAAP Members and Non-Members!
Accessibility Day der Hochschule der Medien (Stuttgart, Germany)
Freitag, 26. April 2024, 13:00-17:15 Uhr
Location: Audimax i003, Hochschule der Medien, Nobelstr. 8, 70569 Stuttgart
oder online: Accessibility Day Livestream Link
Digitale Barrierefreiheit: Von der Nische zum Mainstream
In einer zunehmend digitalisierten Welt gewinnt das Thema der digitalen Barrierefreiheit an Bedeutung.Dieses Thema geht uns alle an – früher oder später.Wenn wir es ignorieren, gestalten wir Medien, die einen Teil unserer Bevölkerung diskriminieren. Der siebte Accessibility Day der Hochschule der Medien zeigt exemplarisch, wo Digitale Barrierefreiheit heute schon zum Mainstream geworden ist. Er wird von Referentinnen und Referenten großer deutscher Wirtschafts- und Sozial-Organisationen gestaltet, mit anschließender Podiumsdiskussion. Eingeladen sind interessierte Studierende und Berufstätige.
in-Person Events
PwC Digital A11y Meetup Vienna
April, 18:00-22:00, DC Tower PwC Austria
What can you expect?
Enhancing Accessibility & Productivity
Participate in a dynamic session where experts tackle live use cases aimed at improving company accessibility and productivity with Microsoft products features.Keynote Speech
Engage with experts to explore how to successfully integrate Accessibility.Showroom Showcase: Explore Innovative Products
Immerse yourself in the forefront of technology innovation. Explore firsthand the latest products designed with accessibility as a primary focus.
A-Tag (Vienna)
Donnerstag, 25. April 2024, ab 17:00 Uhr
Location: Pavillon der Strandbar Herrmann, Herrmannpark, 1030 Wien
ab 16:30: Registrierung und Einlass
Accessible Gaming (Pawel Masarczyk, wienfluss)
FFG Neuigkeiten der Monitoringstelle des Bundes zur digitalen Barrierefreiheit (Victoria Purns und Mira Nausner, FFG)
Hands on Evaluierung (Verena Lenes, wienfluss und Wolfram Huber, doloops)
WCAG 2.2: Die letzten Schritte vor dem Sprung. (So Spelbrink, Accessible Media und Fredrik Fischer, myability)
ab 19:00 “get together” (Ende 22:00)
Vorträge werden in österreichischer Gebärdensprache gedolmetscht.
BarCamp Graz 2024 #BCG24
Samstag 27. April 2024, 8:00-18:00
Location: FH Joanneum, Graz
Auch 2024 ist das barcamp Graz wieder zurück – mit tollen Neuigkeiten: Das barcamp Graz hat sich weiterentwickelt und wächst! Nicht nur, wenn wir über die Anzahl der Teilnehmenden sprechen - auch die Themenvielfalt wächst.
Im Fokus stehen diesmal folgende Bereiche:
Energiewende, Content-Strategie, Web- und Cloud-Entwicklung, User Experience sowie digitale Barrierefreiheit (A11Y) und Inklusion.
Was erwartet mich am #BCG24?
Die konkreten Inhalte bestimmst du! Am Veranstaltungstag selbst wird vor Ort gemeinsam das Programm aufgestellt. Alle Anwesenden werden in die Gestaltung der bis zu 10 parallelen Sessions eingebunden. Wenn du Talks, Workshops, Diskussionen oder Präsentationen halten möchtest, kannst du gerne vorab etwas vorbereiten oder spontan ein Thema einbringen. Sei unbedingt pünktlich, um dir einen Platz im Zeitplan zu sichern! Du wählst dann einfach die Sessions, an denen du teilnehmen möchtest.